Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hans Albers Artifacts


Ahhhh, Quick! This film was very interesting. In this video you can see I played a very witty and crazy man, which I was not used too. This definitely spread my horizons as an actor and performer!

<Quick. Act. Hans Albers. Ufa, 1932. Film.>

Artifact #2

This piece I appeared in was a German Anti-British Propaganda piece. I wasn't quite keen in performing in films like this, but I was cast as the lead role and actors never turn down roles!

<Carl Peters. Act. Hans Albers. International Historic Films, Inc., 1941. Film.> 
Artifact #3

 Oh this film! This was a German comedic film! Its about how I get sent on a dangerous expedition out to the Mexican- American border. One of my favorite pieces of film to be in, but wasn't rated highly!

<Carl Peters. Dir. Hans Albers. International Historic Films, Inc., 1941. Film.>

Artifact #4

This film I was in was originally , a novel turned into a film. I was very honored to be a part of this. It was a very important piece of film in that time. 
<F.P. 1 Antwortet Nicht. Act. Hans Albers. UFA, 1932. Film.>

Artifact #5

This show also translates to the Grasper! This was a very interesting German crime film. This had a very star studded cast. 
<The Copper. Act. Hans Albers. 1958. Film.>

Artifact #6

This is a poster for my movie, "Gold". This piece of work was also oddly science fiction unlike most of my others. I think these pieces were my favorite to work on because I didn't get to do them the most.
<Gold. Act. Hans Albers. 1934. Film.>

Artifact #7

This is me in the film, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen". This film was a very different experience for me. Most films I was in were serious or realistic but this film was wondrous and fiction and I liked it a lot. It increased my skills because I hadn't done it that much.

<The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Act. Hans Albers. 1943. Film.>

 Artifact #8

This is a still of me in the film, "The Blue Angel", co-starring with Marlene Dietrich! This film was a film that really kick started my career in the film business. I was very lucky to work with such a talented woman!

Der blaue Engel (The Blue Angel) Act. Hans Albers. International Historic Film, 1937 film>

Artifact #9 

This is a picture of a poster for one of my films, "Der Mann, der Sherlcok Holmes". This was a great film to be in. My costar Heinz Ruhmann was a great person to work with. I like to think I look better in this poster then in real life, much thinner!
<Der Mann Der Sherlock Holmes War (The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes). Act. Hans Albers. International Historic Films, 1937. Film.>

Artifact # 10 

This is a clip of a song that I sang in the film, "Die große Freiheit", (Port of Freedom). The song is titled "La Paloma". This show came out in 1944, and is one of my very well known peices.

<Große Freiheit Nr. 7. Act. Hans Albers>